Monday, August 19, 2013

sweet robi

For those of you who haven't heard me talk about Robi, this is a good place to start.

It has been nearly four years since he passed away and I still think of him often.  I have kept a picture of him in my car since the accident.  I love having it there, because it reminds me of a few important life lessons.

1. Live life to its fullest, like Robi.  He didn't let fear get in the way of him enjoying life.  He was always more than willing to try something new, in fact, he was first in line to try it. I could still be better at this.

2. Take every opportunity to make a friend.  Robi loved who he was (in a completely good way).  He was comfortable in his own skin and didn't let anything keep him from being himself.  Everyone was friends with Robi.  Even though he isn't here anymore, I still feel that he is a part of my life.  Robi and I are still friends.

3.  Never take the gospel for granted.  How fortunate am I to know that life here isn't the end.

Yesterday, Ashton was out with the missionaries.  They noticed my picture of Robi and asked Ashton about it.  Ashton then FaceTimed me so that I could tell them Robi's story.  I began talking about Robi and the memories I have.  When I mentioned the Jewel (Robi's beloved jeep), the Elder in the back seat asked for Robi's last name.  When I told him, he smiled and told me that his dad and Robi's dad are good friends.  Elder McDonough has gone off roading with the Jewel, but never in it.  We talked about Robi and his wonderful family.  I feel like I could talk about them for forever.  They are an amazing family that will always have a special place in my heart.

It was a huge thing, talking to Elder McDonough, but it was a sweet reminder of Robi.  It was something that I needed.  Robi has brought so many people into my life and I feel that we have a special bond because of him.  It warms my heart to know how close he really is.

Thanks for being around Robi.


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