Monday, August 12, 2013

Spontaneous Utah Trip

A few weeks ago, Ashton started getting these stomach pains.  He was miserable.  He said it was pressure in his stomach, just below his chest.  His insurance only covered urgent care and emergency room visits in Minnesota.  After a week of not knowing what to do, we drove to the hospital.  It was going to put us out a bit financially and then stressed him out even more.  We started talking about driving back to Utah so he could get some real treatment.

Eventually, he self diagnosed himself, thanks to the internet.  He found some treatments online and was soon back to himself, but the idea of a visit to Utah stuck with us.

We called his mom and she was all for it.  I needed to change my name and get some little errands done, plus, my birthday was coming up and that seemed like a good enough excuse to go home.  So, we created a plan.  We were going to surprise my family.  Michele had already called my mom and they set up a dinner together so that both families could skype me for my birthday.  Ashton and I were going to skype with them from inside the same house.  I couldn't wait.

On July 24th, the 19 hour drive back to Utah began.

It was a long trip to make in one day, but we did it!

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