Tuesday, August 13, 2013

July 31st

We started Wednesday morning with a hike with mom.  Utah mountains - there is nothing like them.  AND that my parents live so close to so many amazing trails was something we had to take advantage of.

Mom and I used to go hiking together all of the time.  I love the conversations we have while we are surrounded by the beauty of the mountains.  It's nice to get some alone time with her.

That afternoon, I got lunch with my BYU SpEd friends.  I am so grateful for them and I love that we are all passionate about our students.  Of course, Cami and I have spent the last three years teaching together (which made it the greatest job in the world), but Sean just got back from his mission and has jumped back into his master's program at BYU AND prepping to teach a new class.  We went to Pizzeria Limone.  Delicious food and amazing conversation.  I couldn't have asked for anything better.


Institute for Internet Safety said...

The pizza is seems so delicious. Bonding with mom & friends truly make the day perfect. Keep it up!

Institute for Internet Safety said...

The pizza is seems so delicious. Bonding with mom & friends truly make the day perfect. Keep it up!