Monday, August 12, 2013

July 25th

We were in Utah!

But, we still had a day before my family was going to come up for the surprise.  Ashton could tell I was getting pretty anxious and told me we could go see my family.  I wanted to surprise them so bad and I told him I could just wait.

That was until my mom called to tell me how much she missed me.  It was so hard knowing that she was only 30 miles away.  My heart couldn't take it.  After the phone call, everything changed.  Ashton and I were soon headed to surprise my family at home.

Mom squealed.  Porter smiled huge.  Dad was in shock.  Kelsey was on her way to Oregon for the weekend.  Hannah was at Girl's Camp.  And Sydney recognized my car before I could surprise her.

My family from Chile was also visiting.  Sadly, la jose had to go home early, so I didn't see her.  But I got to spend time with Mike y mis primos.  I can't believe how big they are!

It was wonderful to be back with the family.

And it surprised me how much I had missed Utah.

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