Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 5th

Ashton and I scrubbed the car down on Monday.  It was filthy and I felt bad!  My little civic and taken us to Minnesota and back to Utah without ever getting a proper cleaning.  We were working on it for a good hour, but the final product was so worth it.  Getting into a clean car always feels nice.

BUT, as we were driving down to Draper...

... rain came out of nowhere!  And it wasn't just rain.  It was super windy, so dust and dirty ruined my nice, clean car.  Why does that always happen?

To cheer ourselves up, of course we went to Chick-fil-A.  We had been so done with eating out and just wanted to eat at my parent's, but we were starving and leaving soon, so we figured - might as well.  And I am so glad we did, because I walked in, I saw Mijken.  I know I already posted about seeing her at a Chick-fil-A, but let me tell you about Mijken.  Mijken helped me become the teacher I am today.  She taught me how to be confident in my abilities.  She showed me how to put the students first.  How to develop a real relationship with them and truly love them.  She was, and continues to be, a huge blessing in my life.  I am so glad I got to see her during our time in Utah.

Monday night was had Family Home Evening, Smith + Thorkelson style.  Ashton and I originally planned to leave Monday morning, but had pushed our stay back to Friday morning and this was our sort of goodbye gathering.  It was a blast.  Dad made his Tommy's style chili so we could show the Smith's the goodness that is a Tommy's Cheeseburger.  Burger, cheese, chili, tomatoes, mustard, and pickles.  What more could you want?!  Maybe some watermelon, which we had too.

After we were stuffed full of dad's delicious dinner, we went through the wedding pictures as we enjoyed shakes with fresh raspberries from Bear Lake.

Grandma and Grandpa came too! 

I would post wedding pictures, but I have only been able to view the proofs so far.  They will be coming soon, I am sure. 

Kelsey, Scott, Grandma and Grandpa left after wedding pictures.

I am so excited for Kelsey and Scott.  I cannot wait to meet baby girl.

As Kelsey left, she found a giant beetle and she was so excited to show me. She was even willing to put her hand close to it just to show how big it was.  (she is 100x braver than me...)

After the beetle fiasco, it was time for a game of Hedbanz!  (if you've never played it, you need to!)  It was late and we were all tired, which makes for an interesting game - your brain just doesn't work like it should. 

 It was a good night, surrounded by family, food, and laughs.

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