Friday, June 13, 2008

Teatro Degollado

Ok - we switched rooms and I miss my old room more than I thought I would. We have new roommates. They are from Texas and don't speak much all. They are nice - but I am a little bitter they are in my room. I guess it makes sense, we leave for Puerto Vallarta in the morning and so we have tonight and then next Wednesday and Thursday night here but here is the big dilemma - the internet doesn't work in our new room so I am sitting out on the balcony right now. Very fun...

We spent yesterday in el centro before we met al Teatro Degollado another time for ballet folklorico. Nat and I were on missions for dulces to bring home and something special for us - actually buy presents for ourselves!! Nat really wanted a dress, I was just looking. Found the sweetest Argentina jacket ever. I love it and can't wait to wear it in the states. It is still rainy here which means I can't wear anything white for fear of it turning yellow. The rain already stained my new white shirt!

It was amazing - really amazing! We saw typical dances from Baja California (got to hear a lovely song about Tijuana...I laughed), Veracruz, Chiapas, Nayarit, San Luis Potosi, and finally - Jalisco!! There were mariachis, rope wizard men and some crazy kicking moves. I was thoroughly entertained and amazed. Nat just kept saying wow over and over again. We have really had wonderful experiences here in Mexico.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet jacket-golden find!!!!