Wednesday, June 11, 2008

carne asada

So our good friend Jared is leaving us on Thursday (manana) to pick up his brother who is graduating from high school in Mexico City - I am pretty sure that is what I was told. His brother is studying at the LDS school there.
He invited some of us over for dinner and we ended up being there the whole evening. We were supposed to be picked up at 6:30 - that turned into closer to 7:15. Then we got there and had to prepare salsa, guac, and cook the meat. Luckily - that's where I ended up. I grilled the onions (which turned out delicious!) and fanned the bbq while Jared took care of the meat. We had some really yummy carne, mexican chorizo, and something that was supposedly like a hot dog but even better? We definitely ate well, that is all I have to say.

Then we sat around and talked until about midnight. We had a ton of fun in their cool hammock and the rain actually stopped for long enough to allow us to enjoy our time outside. (it is raining right now...again)

I really love the people we have come to get to know here. They would do anything for us and are so sweet. Just now at lunch, we were talking to Yolanda about when we were leaving and all this good stuff that had to be done. She is letting us choose what we want to eat for comida manana. We ended up choosing her chicken tostada salad stuff. Muy rico! She left Monday morning for something in Chapala and just got back this morning. Oh how Nat and I missed her. It is so nice to have her home. She told us today that she hates the saying goodbye part of these programs...I already know I will hate this too.
BUT at the same time - I am counting days to be back with my family again. Mom just told me that Grandma, Grandpa, and Michelle are coming for Porter's ordination. My baby brother is going to be a deacon!! I can't wait to be with everyone. soo soon. 9 days.


Sean and Abby said...

I miss the rain! i get so jealous when you post up all your pretty pics, the location looks you love it?

thorkgal said...

It's Shawn's big 12 year old birthday this year too, as well as Chance! I can't believe it either. There suppose to stay little.... aren't they?