Tuesday, June 10, 2008

mis llaves y la lluvia

I finally found my keys! I haven't had them for over a week now. Last Sunday Stephanie came over to get some help with her music - you know, transferring stuff from an ipod to a computer. And of course I would know how to do that. So when she left I ran down to open the gate for her. When I came back in we went to the kitchen to fill our water bottles. I had my key with me and then the next morning they were gone. Nat and I could not figure out where they went. They were obviously in our house but - we could not find them anywhere. Normally we are together every moment of our lives here in Guadalajara but this week she has service and I don't so if I wanted to go do things, we would have to figure out the key situation. Well, last night we lost her keys right before Noche de Hogar. Really, they had just fallen our of her purse. While we were looking for hers I got this feeling to look in my junk drawer (yes, I even have one here in Guadalajara!). That night I looked...somehow they got to the very back under everything. There they were hiding from me!
THE RAIN - yep, it does not want to stop. Actually, it does not look like it is raining right now...of course. It was wet, not rainy this morning, so we went to the starbucks across the street from the school to get some hot chocolate. Yummy Yummy. Our feet were all nice and wet but we were alright once we got to class. Then came time to leave. It was not coming down as hard as Saturday night but we had to walk in this rain for quite a bit. And we got thoroughly wet. The temperature is nicer when it rains - but I have to say...I miss the sun. Oh, and all our laundry is still in the process of drying. Great.

1 comment:

thorkgal said...

Tati!!! I love the blog. I'm glad you said something about it on facebook. Now I get what your doing. I thought you were just vacationing... forever. Ha ha. Your so awesome. What's not to love? I've got a blog too. thorkgal.blogspot.com