Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th!

Today was the last day of class. Crazy crazy crazy. Time has flown by. So along with this final day of classes came our final exam as well as oral presentation. Ah horrible. I can't speak publicly in English - let a lone in Spanish! I was pretty much nervous all day long and couldn't wait to just get it all over with. Our teacher wasn't there on Thursday to go over all the review with us. That threw me off by a lot and then today she gives us the test written by the other teacher. Definitely the hardest test we have had this whole time. Then my presentation - Oaxaca. State of Mexico where Nacho Libre was filmed. That was maybe my favorite part and I couldn't even say that right!

Then we had a fiesta and we were allowed to invite our parents. Yolanda and Guillermo are amazing. They were the coolest parents there by far. We had so much fun talking and they really really love us. It was a very cool experience and I love that I have come to know them so well. I will probably miss them the most. Guillermo kept telling us how happy and optimistic we are. How we just love life. It was very sweet of him.

After school Nat and I did some laundry (washed the clothes that smelt fom never drying) and then headed back to the centro to meet with our group. We got there and we were supposed to go to see the Mariachis and then to the haunted cemetery. We sat around for a while - Lucky me, I got to dance with Tyrel. haha It was really a blast! The cemetery didn't work - guess you have to have made reservations the morning of rather that afternoon - so we just went by the mariachis. We payed 200 pesos, got 3 songs and then they kept playing - I think they just wanted to see the American's dance. haha As we were leaving, some man with a toothy smile looked at me and said "Tu eres la guerra mas guapa! Ella es la guerra mas guapa!" What a compliment! It was for the most part fun, but now I am running on just about nothing...

We are off to Vallarta manana. I hope we get internet in the hotel. It should be really fun and I am looking forward to some time for relaxing and not being on a schedule.


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