Sunday, June 15, 2008


happy father's day!
I am so thankful for my daddy. Everything he does is for us - his family. He knows my potential and pushes me to reach that. I can go on and on with stories I have of my father, and for the most part they are actually quite entertaining, but I will restrain from sharing all.

This last winter semester was really hard for me. I was having a hard time getting into my program (special education). Who knew it was so hard! I made it on the waiting list and was devastated - but then there was my dad. He had so many stories to tell me about waiting for doors to open when it comes to careers and just having faith. It was amazing to hear all the things my dad did for my family and how he only makes choices through the help of our Heavenly Father. His faith amazes me.
He has a testimony like no one else I know. When he gets up there to bear his testimony I can't control myself. I love his face when he bears his testimony. You can tell it is taking everything out of him. He is so sincere and I always look forward to hearing my father bear his testimony.

I remember we had this ward youth conference in Utah. We watched The Testaments one evening and when we walked out - there was the Salt Lake Temple, beautifully lit up. Kelsey and I were still trying to dry our eyes from the movie and just looking at the temple. Then comes dad. He just wraps us in his arms and we stood there together, tears streaming down our faces, for a good solid 5 minutes. I will never ever forget how much love was felt in those minutes.

Then, of course, there is the jack black, pee your pants funny side of my dad. He makes everyone laugh and really is the heart of any good party. Get him singing some karaoke and your life will forever be changed. Or start him going on some good movies like Nacho...Have you ever seen the faces he makes at all the cute little kids at church?! haha Those were the faces I grew up with.

Dad's new big thing is photography. I love it! He will come back from BYU games with the greatest pictures! His action shots are the greatest AND then he has this amazing shot of Bryan Kehl. Haha That will always be my favorite.

So all in all - I love my dad. I used to be easily embarrassed but nothing he does can embarrass me now because I know he loves me and I love him and that is all that matters! He is the greatest. He is my foundation, the one who is never dramatic and keeps me from being quick to judge and worrying too much about what others think. He is my example and has set a high bar for me to follow. I know he has faith in me and that he loves me more than life. He is so willing to give me blessings and help me make it through all the "troubles" of a young college girl.

I am and forever will be your kukiluki. I love you dad!


Thorkelsons said...

Gracias, hija. Te quiero! -Dad

thorkgal said...

Awe, how sweet is that? I love my daddy too.