Thursday, November 10, 2011

my students

I know I talk about my class a lot.  I cannot help it! I am so so so grateful to have them in my life and it has made me the luckiest/most blessed person in the world.

Over my three year teaching career I have had 36 students.  Many teachers have this many kids in just one year, but with a life skills class, it is a whole different story.  Each one of my students has taught me new and wonderful things that have helped me become a better person.  Each day they make me happy.  They make me laugh over and over again! They make me feel loved and I love them so much in return.  I have come to find that I cannot just give my heart out to people, but to my students, they instantly hold my heart in their hands. They test my patience, but it makes me stronger.  Not only do they strengthen me mentally, but they strengthen me physically - oh the smells, the fits, the messes we make.  They show me glimpses of heaven.  They have taught me pure love. They make me want to be the best person that I can be.

My classroom is my place of refuge.  My first year of teaching was the year Robi died and the year that I had my first break up.  I just knew that I had to be with my kids the very next day because of the love I felt.  How many people can say that about their jobs?  I have been sick one day this year and I was miserable because I didn't get to say good morning to each of them and see their smiles, hear their hi miss thorkelson, or laugh at their good morning grunts.  When I am with them, the chaos of my world (or my current lack of a social life and friends in my new home) disappears and does not matter at all.  Such a blessing!

The class I have this year is by far the best behaved class I have ever worked with (and that is not bashing on my previous classes because I love them just as much!).  I wish everyone could see and acknowledge how awesome we are during assemblies!  Sometimes, I can be a brilliant teacher.  For example, at the beginning of the year, I had them create rules as a class for when we are at lunch, in assemblies, at recess, on field trips, in the library, in the halls, etc...and they are pretty good at following those!  They are mostly quiet when I ask them to be.  They sit in their seats (sometimes) the first time I ask.  They clean up super fast (especially when I set a timer).  They work hard during rotations.  They are learning so much already! ahh I just love them.  Our field trips are fabulous, fun, and full of great memories.  I love it!

But, it isn't always easy.  Today, I had to be mean.  I am terrible at this and I so much hated doing it.  All of my kids are lucky enough to go into regular education classrooms (bless the wonderful teachers who allow them to come in!) for science/social studies and specialty classes.  I found out that they aren't on their best behavior in these classrooms and that is not acceptable, especially when they are almost always angels in my class.  I made them sit.  We discussed what is appropriate and what is not when we are in other classrooms.  They helped me create rules for when they go into these classrooms.  I was serious about this and they knew it.  I asked them if the way they had been acting in the other classrooms was very nice to those teachers.  I had a few of them sniffling (I am not sure why, because I can't really yell and my mean face is not so mean), but I think their poor, sweet hearts felt bad for the way they had treated their teachers.  The sadness was thick and it was like they really, truly understood.  Of course, this had me all broken hearted and I had to end with a class hug so that they knew that I still loved them.

I could not LOVE my job anymore.  Teaching a life skills classroom is such a blessing in my life.  Each of my students has made my heart one million times bigger.  Who I am with them is the person I someday hope to be all of the time.

So not only to my students, but to every child/young adult with a disability that I have worked with as a high school student, a para educator, and a teacher - thank you for letting me be a part of your life.  Thank you for teaching me what is important.  Thank you for loving me!  And letting me love you.  You will never know the impact you have had on my life.

I love you with all of my heart,

Miss Thorkelson

1 comment:

Jason and Kelly said...

i love you tati!!! and i miss you. reading this just made me want you to be a mom so bad. of course a few things have to happen before that happens, haha, but really i know you are going to be the best most amazing mother ever. you'll probably have to have at least ten kids so that talent gets maximized. your capacity to love and to reason with love and be patient is incomprehensible. so, i'm just really excited for the day when you have kids of your own. they certainly will be lucky to have you