Thursday, November 17, 2011

just a little humor in my life

Please do not over look my last post, because I really want to focus on what I am thankful for...

I know, two posts in one day!  Lucky you.

Mostly this is just a little story to give you a tiny laugh.

So.  I am single and I live at home. haha It isn't that bad.  Plus, I keep hearing on the news that it is a real issue around the nation thanks to crazy expensive college tuition, so I must be ok (except, that isn't why I am living at home...).  My family is wonderful and, for the most part, they are always looking out for me.  Especially when it comes to looking for men to set me up with.  Sydney is trying real hard with this one because once I move out, she gets her own room.

Well, this time, it wasn't Syd who found the next love of my life.  It was my aunt Michelle.

Mom texted me at work asking me to call her when I had a sec.  Of course, I called her a few minutes later.  She excitedly told me that Michelle was at lunch and that her waiter was super cute, single, and a BYU graduate.  Wonderful.  Then she told me that Michelle had given him my name so that he could look me up on the one and only facebook haha (I swear this has happened to me before...).  Mom is a little concerned about my facey profile.  I have a bunch of baby pictures that dad has just tagged me in and my profile picture is "a lot more central park than Tati.  Maybe you should change your pictures?" I laughed.  I can't access facebook at work, and  if there was another profile picture I wanted to use, I would have changed it already. PLUS, who says this boy is even going to look?

Then, a few hours later, Michelle calls.  Oh, she made him sound amazing.  About 6'2'' with a trillion nieces and nephews who absolutely love him! He is a huge BYU fan (super score for me!) and just a genuine guy.  She thinks we would totally hit it off together!

Great, now I sort of want this guy to find me.  But, if I never hear from him do I have to live self consciously, thinking that he looked at my pictures and thought ehhh she is alright? haha  Do I change my pictures?  Or have the excuse that he never contacted me because I didn't change anything?

So this is what dating has come to - how I have portrayed myself on the fb.

Luckily, most of this story telling and all my reactions are exaggerated (purely for humor of course).  I am really happy with my life just the way it is - but, in the unlikely case that I hear from mysterious-good looking-BYU grad-waiter, I will for sure let you know :)

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