Tuesday, November 1, 2011

boston! to CT and back to NYC

Boston was beautiful!  The colors were stunning.  There was something so classy and quaint about it.  I loved being there.

We stayed in a hotel out in Tewskbury.  Aubrey was a fantastic driver and we made it between the Tewks and Boston safely everyday.

Saturday morning was the big day at the single adult conference.  We got there a little late, but made it for all of Sister Oaks' wonderful words.  We also caught the end of Clayton Christensen's words.  All I am going to say about that is that priesthood holders, please do everything you can to stay active and always be worthy of the priesthood. 70% of the single women in the church stay active, but only 30% of the men do.  Odds are not in favor for us ladies.

But let me talk a little about Sister Oaks.  She was amazing.  Did you know she has a masters in Special Education?!  Very neat.  She was single until she was 50.  She said that people would always ask her what it was like to be single in the church.  The way she explained it made perfect sense!  She compared it to being on the bench, waiting to play on the baseball team.  Everyone else is going in, except for you.  You have worked your whole life to play in the game and you know that you have so much to offer.  People keep asking you why you aren't playing.  They know you have the skills needed to help the team succeed.  You don't know why you aren't out on the field, because you agree and you so badly want to play!  The worst part isn't that you are being picked last, it's that you haven't been picked at all. She continued to talk about how women relate so much of their self worth to marriage.  It's true.  And the minute she connected it to sports, it all made sense!  That's exactly what it feels like.  Yes, I know I am only 23, but I know that feeling.  Anyways, I loved everything she had to say.

We had great break out sessions and hopefully one day, I can explain the things we talked about and everything that I learned!  It was a day of great spiritual growth.  The sun was out and we spent some time exploring the Charles River.

After the break out sessions, we ate at Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  It was my first time there and I ate way too much and loved it!  Then it was finally time for the Harbor Cruise where we got to dance the night away.  We had so much fun!  I love those Harbor Cruises (I have done two in San Diego, one in Seattle, and now Boston!).

Sunday we left to for sacrament, only like 20 minutes away, but got there like an hour late.  There was absolutely NO parking and we walked the wrong direction to start...well, we eventually made it.  After church we explored Harvard

and then started the trek down to Connecticut, where everyone else caught a train while I finally got to see where Aubrey grew up and spend some quality time talking to her parents and even some late night talking with her mom.  Sure love the Potters!

Monday was a blur of a day.  I spent my time back in NYC just wandering.  More time at 30 Rock and anthro. (Found out I had missed filming for 30 rock outside by like a day! oh how I would've loved that...) Then I met Aubrey and Mark for lunch.  When it was time for me to go, I said sad goodbyes (although they weren't so sad since Aubrey will be here next weekend!) and then I met up with a random friend from San Marcos to make the subway/air train excursion back to the airport.

Overall, it was a very successful trip.  One that I loved and hope to do over and over again!

Aubrey - you're the best friend a girl could have.  Thank you for the time you made for me and thank you for being my best friend.  I cannot wait to see you again in TEN days!

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