Tuesday, November 15, 2011

my aides

Today, I am grateful for the three wonderful women who work with me in my classroom.  More than just grateful.  I cannot explain the amount of gratitude I wish to share with these ladies.

I saw this this morning. - You should read it.  It is sad, but an eye opener.

 A 14 year old special needs student was bullied.  Not by fellow students BUT by her teacher and teacher's aide.  That makes me sick. It broke my heart.  I know that teaching special education is not always easy, in fact, it is often very hard, but that is not an excuse!  The love that you develop working with these kids outweighs the difficulties...and sadly, this is not the first time I have heard of a special ed teacher being abusive towards students.  It makes me wish that I could watch over each of my students for the rest of their lives to ensure that something like this NEVER happens to them.

Aides are huge in the life skills setting.  I have only worked with wonderful aides, but not all new teachers (I guess I am not so new considering this is my third year, but I still feel plenty new!) are quite as lucky as me!

I have three aides in my classroom this year who love my students as much as I do and it is obvious.  I only kept one of my three aides from last year and I was worried about how the dynamics in my classroom would change with two new aides.  Guess what?!  They are all absolutely the most wonderful aides any teacher could ask for!  More than anything, they have helped to create a positive environment in my classroom, one of learning and one that is full of love.  They reinforce positive behavior.  They support me.  They are so clever!  Each of them bring so much to my classroom!  From knowing regular ed curriculum, to patience with specific students.  From manning their individual stations to arts/crafts/decorating.  From helping each student reach their goals to teaching them through example. Gosh.  Without them, I would not be able to do anything.  Without them, I would not be a successful teacher.

Ms. Tammy, Ms. Lisa, and Ms. DJ,

You guys have been an answer to my prayers since the first day I started teaching.  I am amazed at the things you do, both in my classroom and at home with your families.  I learn from each of you everyday.  Your faith and love give me strength on days when I am overwhelmed by the not-so-fun parts of teaching.  Your optimism keeps our class happy.  Your humor brings a smile when I need it most.  I am most thankful for your love though.  It is so nice to know that, especially on days when I am not in the classroom, each of our students will feel loved at school.  Thank you.  Thank you over and over again.

With so much love,
Miss Thorkelson

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