Monday, September 2, 2013

date night

Ashton and I do everything together, but when he tells me he has made plans for us - my heart still skips a beat.  I love dates with my man.

While I was working in my classroom on Friday, Ashton asked if we had plans for that evening.  Nope. So he said, "I thought that we could go on a date night."  I couldn't wait to leave school.
We went to a Riverview Theater to see Monster's University.  Riverview Theater is darling!  It is very vintage, has a real 1950's feel.  It only has one theater so there is a lobby for guests to sit in as they wait for their movie.  I absolutely loved it.  Plus, the movie was pretty adorable too - though, Monster's Inc. is still my favorite.

1 comment:

Institute for Internet Safety said...

It's good that you keep on dating even though you are already married. You just keep the love alive. Keep it up! Keep loving!