Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

I love today.  The fourth Thursday of every November is my favorite day of the fall.  The older I have gotten, the more I have come to appreciate this day of thanks.

Today has been perfect and many times I have just sat and watched so that I can soak in everything happening around me.  I love doing that.

Other things I have loved today:

- Driving to Ogden to join the Larsens in a food drive walk/run.  They are my second family and it was so much fun to spend my morning with them and catching up with Kelly.

- Raiding my sister's closet and finding my clothes that I thought had been lost!

- Thanksgiving feasting.  Delicious turkey, stuffing, potatoes, salad, cranberry sauce, bread, sweet potatoes - everything made from scratch.  My family knows how to do it right!

- Dance parties in the car with the siblings!

- My car.  I love my car.  I love driving it.  I love how pretty it is.  I love how it goes real fast!  I love how I can blast my music in it.  Yes, it was a good buy.

- Thanksgiving naps (which are near impossible with how loud we are...)

- Spending time with both my Thorkelson and Wilson family.

- Making flowers for headbands and fun things.

- Watching football with my dad, brother, grandpa, and uncle.

- Feeling like a ballerina because of my tights and dancing on the wooden floor (I haven't done ballet since I was probably was beautiful).

- Getting the following text from my dad: "K. We're going to byu/utah. Be here Sat by 10am."  This then caused a series of squeals, jumping, football runs, more jumping, inability to speak, finished by me sitting on the floor while my siblings are trying to figure out what my problem is.  Yes, it was the best part of my day.

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