Wednesday, November 3, 2010

the gym and I

My new favorite place...

the gym.  Especially when I can watch NBA games, and even more especially, while my Lakers are playing.

It has become a new release for me.  After a long day at work, I crave a nap and a trip to the gym.

So, thank you elliptical on the second row and three machines in.  Thank you NBA for giving me something to enjoy.  Thank you Lakers for being 5-0 once tonight's game is over.  Thank you Gold's Gym for always being there.  And thank you to my Aunt Michelle who got me my membership.

I also got to see my good friend Cameron.  We have known each other since my family moved to San Diego, but our parents have known each other for even longer.  We went to get frozen yogurt and ended up talking about everything for forever.  Cameron is a favorite of mine and I am so glad that we are still so close.  Love you Cameron!

** Story for today.  One of my student's did not come to school today. He had a rough day yesterday and had told me that he wanted to stay home today.  His mom called me this morning and told me that he was going to just stay home.  Then, I got a call from her around 6:00 this evening.  She told me that he just wanted to make sure that she had called me to tell me that he would be back tomorrow so she figured she would just call me while he was with her.  Of course, he wanted to talk to me.  I said hello and he says "Hi Miss Thorkelson." (in his very unique way of talking. adorable.)
"We missed you today." I said.
"I missed you."
"You will be back tomorrow?"
"Ya, I'll see you tomorrow."

It seems like a simple conversation, but it was the sweetest conversation I have had.  This boy cares more than anyone I know.  Yesterday, when he told me that he wasn't going to be at school today, he told me to make sure that his classmate knew that she would have to go to specialty without him.  Who thinks about that?  Just this sweet boy.

Yes, I do love my job.

1 comment:

Cami said...

oh, I love that boy too. He's such a sweetheart! And I could totally hear his voice while you were telling that story ;)