Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm not together...

...but I'm getting there.

I have been worried about my future. If you haven't noticed - I stress easily and that makes me emotional. I am just a stressball of fun. There are so many unknowns in my life right now and I have let it get to me, so much that I haven't stopped to enjoy the great things around me.

So, I am going to change this. Mom told me today that I should be loving this time. I am young. I don't know what the future holds. There are opportunities for me everywhere. I should be excited and anxious, right? I obviously haven't been too excited, but I am going to be starting right now. I know that I will end up where I need to be and I am crossing my fingers for a specific job opportunity that would keep me in Provo for a bit longer.

The more I put time into trying to open doors to my future, the more I see Heavenly Father either throw them open or keep them pretty tightly shut. My life has become this puzzle slowly coming together, waiting to be finished, and there is a thrill in watching it come together.

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