Monday, February 15, 2010

Choosing to be...

It's amazing how therapeutic the rain can be. It's a gloomy day here in Provo, but for some reason, it is makes me better. I love the idea of spending the day inside with a good movie, good friends (my mommy), and some hot cocoa.

I have recently had an epiphany, except it is something I have always known, so I am not sure how much of an epiphany it really is.

Here it is, my epiphany:

We are in full control of how we are going to react to and face life. Things might not be going great but i can choose to be happy. I can choose to make the best of the things coming my way. I can choose to be confident, in love, outgoing, selfish, sad, optimistic, angry. I can choose to have a good attitude or a bad attitude. I can choose to make my situation what I want it to be.

While it is easy to choose to make things better, it is harder to act upon it. So here I am to tell everyone that I am choosing to be happy. To make the best of what I have. To enjoy the little time I just might have left in Provo. To smile.

Now that I have told the blogging world, I feel a responsibility/motivation to actually do it.

I will let you know how it goes :)

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