Saturday, September 11, 2010

my hero

I love my dad. Today is his birthday!

Reasons why I love my dad...
  1. He loves his family more than anything in the world.
  2. I KNOW he loves my mom.
  3. He works so hard for us.
  4. He is basically the funniest man on earth.
  5. He is always giving.
  6. He takes the most wonderful pictures.
  7. He would do anything for me.
  8. He has such a strong testimony and he loves the Gospel.
  9. I remember his band back in the day. He plays the bass. I remember trying to run away, to get that bass beat thud out of my chest. I love it now.
  1. BYU sports. SO glad he is now close enough to come to all games.
  2. Our different Monday night activities: Tennis, Beach and in n out, etc...
  3. The way he could embarrass me beyond what I thought was possible.
  4. The day he bought me Ray Ban sunglasses for my first day lifeguarding with the sweetest note on a napkin.
  5. Charades.
  6. When he joins in on the dance parties :)
  7. How famous he is at MHHS. JTHORK!
  8. When high school friends use his pictures as their profile pics on facey. Seeing that jthork across the bottom always makes me smile.
  9. The time he was Porter for Halloween. It was legit.
  10. The way he spied on me on my way home from Orange County to see how fast I was was too fast...
  11. Or the time he filtered my AIM conversations and got to know all the dirt (meaning who likes who and boy drama) happening in the lives of a few 14 year old girls in San Marcos...
  12. The way he can never stay mad at me. I am a daddy's girl.
  13. How he used to take me everywhere with him when I was just a toddler. Rock climbing. fishing. all the fun stuff.
  1. How he surprised me with the most adorable puppy for Christmas one year. And then took care of me after my sweet puppy was hit by a car...
  2. His constant support of me and my dreams. He would do anything to help me succeed in life and he has done everything to help me get to where I am now.
  3. The words he will make up when his gets frustrated
  4. How he thinks he can slap dance. haha guess that's what happens after growing up in Santa Ana with the Tongans and Samoans?
  5. How he can always make me laugh.
  6. The advice that he gives me. I didn't get accepted into the SpEd program right away (got put on the waiting list, but came to find out a few weeks later that we all got that dreadful letter...). He called me while I was crying in the library. He made me feel like I would be ok, that life wasn't over. He told me about the doors that have shut and open for him in his life. It all works out.
  7. He doesn't do anything without praying about it first. He is so close to the Spirit. I admire him for that. And then how confidently he goes forward with life.
  8. The service that he is constantly giving.
  9. The way I can push his buttons :)
  10. I'd get in trouble, go to my room and lay on the top bunk to cry my life away. I am sure it was always my fault, but he would always be there a few minutes later to tell me he was sorry and that he loves me. I cry thinking about it...

Ok. I could go on for forever and over.

I love you dad, so much. I am so grateful that I got blessed with such an awesome man as my father, the man that sets the bar for all other (potential) men in my life. My heart overflows with love as I am thinking about you and the amazing things that make you you. I am so proud to be your daughter! I love you. I am still your kukiluki!

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