Thursday, September 16, 2010

the good ol' wilk

I went up to the bookstore today.

This is why. My student's APE (adapted physical education) teacher came in today and pretty much ripped BYU apart. Is amazing how many Ute fans there are out in Eagle Mountain. It is a whole new world and I am not at all used to it. So, I came up with this idea to stick BYU stickers all over mr. APE man next time he comes in. :) And I just want to deck my room out in all things BYU.

SO this took me to the bookstore. Walking into the Wilk for the first time since graduation was sort of hard...all of the sudden I was home and it was comfortable, but then at the same time, I felt like my parents when they would walk through the Wilk with me! ahhhh.

How I miss being a student.

1 comment:

Rachel Wattson said...

Oh I am so excited for your picture of the end result! If you can't get him to stand still just stick them all over his binder or bag that he is carrying. Hahaha!