Sunday, September 19, 2010

And though you never know all the steps...

you must learn to join the dance.

I watched The Prince of Egypt today. I remember seeing this movie in the theater a few times. I was 10 years old. It came out right after I had gone to Egypt and I was obsessed. 1. It was Egypt. 2. Such an amazing Bible story. 3. The soundtrack is amazing. 4. It is a movie I could watch every Sunday and love it only more with each viewing. It's a classic and it made me happy.

Elder Groberg gave a fireside tonight. It was wonderful and was a great motivation to start this week on the right foot. He asked us what was most important in out lives and how we knew those were the most important things. We know what is most important by the things that we do. He talked about the Savior, the temple, family, the prophet, and service. He told us that the world needs more light and that we can bring in more light to the world as we do these important things.

I also got to sit with some of my favorite people at the fireside. I am really lucky to have such amazing friends and this week it has really been all I can think about.

Oh and I might have given a talk about scripture study...or mostly just how blessed we are to have them. I think it went alright. It's always hard the first time you speak in a new ward. But this ward is certainly growing on me!

Sundays are wonderful.

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