Wednesday, September 22, 2010

locked out

I went with a friend to babysit his nephews right after work today...Literally, I walked in the door, threw my stuff on the floor, and walked out to leave. In that "stuff" I threw on the floor was my keys. I told Mel that I would be home in like an hour and to leave the door unlocked.

We babysat for a little more than 2 hours. No big deal. The kids were darling and we had a really good time! He was running late for his intramural volleyball game though, so I just told him I lived close enough to walk home from the RB. I walk home. ladeeda, minding my own business.

My door is locked. Some kids from the ward are sitting in the grass next door. They say hi, but that's all. I call a friend. He's already home. I am locked out. People are sitting by me, witnessing this, but I don't feel like I can just knock on someone's door and wait there - though I am sure they would all be disappointed that I didn't say anything.

Of course I call Chatsworth kids, but none of them were answering! One was at a frisbee game, another was at the KISS concert...blah. So I call some friends at the TAJ and end up there. Then a girl from that ward called me and when I answer she was like, "Hey, Tati. Mel is with me. She is locked out." Noooo way.

We both tried to get into our apartments, minutes apart from each other, with the same people watching, and both ended up with the Chatsworth crew. She joined me at the TAJ until we found out that Jen had been in the shower and didn't hear either of us at the door. hahahaa

1 comment:

Russell said...

I know that this is unrelated to the post, but I googled Lavell Edwards Stadium in images and a photo from this blog came up. Let's hope the Cougars get back in gear this season.

Libby and I wish you well!