Saturday, September 18, 2010

friends, dancing, and dumBies.


Alison came to visit last night! Oh my goodness, it was SO good to see her. She is getting married in November and recently moved up to Riverton. It had been way too long. Alison makes me happy.


Yes. I love to dance. Tonight we had a stake dance party...Sounds like it could have not been so fun, but my roommates and I hit it up and shook our hips until they hurt! It was so much fun and I am so grateful to have roommates who love to dance as much as I do! We also found some Chatty ward friends and it was a blast. I don't remember the last time I really enjoyed myself quite so much or even felt so confident that it didn't matter what people thought. Sooo good.

Then Dumbies.

Not like dummy. But Dum-Bee, that is what my old roommates called them. I don't have much to say about it but just sometimes we run into them and we want to yell it to the world. So...DUUUUUMMMMBIIIIEEEEE!!!!

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