Monday, October 17, 2011

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

At the gym today, I caught the Anderson Cooper show.  It drew my attention when I saw a clip of the Robert Jeffress interview that Cooper did.  All of the sudden there was a picture of the first vision and I was reading captions about Joseph Smith.  I wish I could have heard it, but what I was reading, almost had me crying at the gym.  They just covered the foundation of our beliefs and the spirit, like so many times before, let me know how true it all is.

There has been a lot of talk about the church recently and I am grateful for the way it has helped me to not only strengthen my testimony, but share it too.

I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, my Redeemer, my brother, and my closest friend.  He knows everything I am feeling and I have found so much comfort in that.  Because of him, I am able to return to my Heavenly Father - this thought overwhelms me with joy.  He left the perfect example.  Everyday, I strive to be more like Him.  I am undoubtedly a Christian. This is my favorite hymn and it has strengthened my testimony more than any other hymn.
I have been sealed to my family for time and eternity.  Families are forever and that is a wonderful blessing.  I am so grateful for the priesthood power that makes that possible, because I could not imagine this life being the end.  I love reading the Book of Mormon.  It brings everything together.  The words found in it are absolutely true and perfect.  I am so grateful for revelation and the gift of the Holy Ghost.  I know that President Monson is the living prophet.  I love listening to His inspired words.  He makes my heart burst with happiness.  Heavenly Father loves us so much more than we can ever comprehend.  He has given us so much, all so that we don't ever have to be alone and so that we can find our way back to Him.
The gospel has brought me so much happiness.  It is true.  There is no way something that wasn't true could bring me, or anyone else for that matter, this much joy.  Life is not easy, but the truth found within the gospel helps to give one an eternal perspective, happiness, and the strength to endure.

I love it.

You can learn more here or shoot me an email.

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