Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dear Robi,

It was two years ago today. I texted Sam. He told me to pray for you and all I wanted to do was drive up and be with you at the hospital. I got there and you already had a ton of friends and family there to support you. When I went in to give your hand a squeeze and tell you how much I loved you, I got to meet your parents for the first time. Oh Robi. They are amazing and I know they still miss you so much. Your sister and I talk once in awhile. She is a shining star! I love visiting your family in Vegas. They are so good to us. Saying goodbye always leaves us teary eyed. You Sundell's have a very special spot in my heart.

I am in Boston right now at a singles conference. Last night, I went to a dance. John Southcott was there. It really caught me off guard! We had a quick I know you and catch up on life. Of course, it made me miss you, but it just proves how many lives you've connected.

I know you're just rocking it on the other side. Sometimes I see you around, feel you nearby, or hear your laugh. When I am feeling sad, I go through pictures and have flashbacks that have me laughing so hard I cry! Anytime I do anything daredevil-ish, I feel you cheering me on. I love you. I miss you. And I am so grateful for the influence you had, and continue to have, on my life.

Love love love,

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