Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the first day

Today has been absolutely amazing!

We entered the Wicked raffle (if your name got picked, you got front row seats for $25).  I went up to enter and wrote my name down, "Tati Thorkelson", then he says to have your id with you.  So, of course I was like, ah change my name.  It is Nicole on my id.  Then...Guess what!?  The first name he said was Nicole, Th...Thorkelson.  I screamed and jumped and was so excited that people actually started applauding me.  Happiest moment.

 M&M factory.  My favorite sign.  Fitting for me!

A Knicks vs. Celtics game!  That's right.  I got to see Rondo and KG and Shaq (except Shaq and KG didn't play...).  I was suddenly cheering for the Celtics.  I am not sure why...maybe because they actually play the Lakers from time to time...but they won and it was so so much fun!

Ever since I saw Serendipity, I have wanted to come here.  Well, today, that dream came true.  We ate (well, attempted to eat) three lovely, delicious, HUGE desserts.  I enjoyed it so so much.

These pictures aren't very high quality - they are from my phone - but I promise better ones will be coming once I get home.

I decided as we were walking through Time Square, that when you are feeling down about yourself, your looks, whether or not you are beautiful, take a walk in NYC.  Men have constantly calling at us or throwing in "beautiful" here and there as we talk.

It is just mostly fun to be back with all the girls.  We had a very productive and fun day.  I cannot wait for tomorrow's adventures!


Katie said...

how fun!!

Holman Family said...

I'm Jealous, you got to go to serendipity! so fun. enjoy yourself!!