Tuesday, August 31, 2010

post-student sadness

Monday was back to school for all BYU students.

Aubrey texted me saying she had been crying all day, wishing she was starting school with the rest of BYU. This is why she is my best friend. She was only imagining people going back to campus, the excitement...I was witnessing it.

Traffic backed up like crazy. Everyone and their moms at Macey's and Smiths. People swarming to campus from every direction. Parking lots are full. Football is all the talk (BYU went independent by the way! Should be exciting). Everyone is running into everyone else on campus. Reunions are happening left and right. Nights are getting cool. The life has come back to Provo.

But. I have made it through a week of teaching and it is only getting better. I am starting to get things together and my students are a crack up. I asked one of them to do something for me, "sure, baby cakes" was his response. I couldn't have more fun with it!

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