I am open to any suggestions! :)
Here is my tentative plan: Move back to San Diego for the summer and find a super, cool fun job. Then, in the fall, hopefully teach wherever I get a job that I feel excited about.
If you can't tell, there are a whole lot of holes in this description of my future. I seem to be swimming (because I no longer feel like I am drowning) in the unknown and all the uncertainty of everything. BUT I have this new goal to do it with grace. Last summer Alison and I made a goal that we wanted to accomplish hard tasks with grace and I have realized that I need that now more than ever.
So - if you know any families with a child or children who have disabilities and want a totally awesome nanny/babysitter...pass my name along. I also really want to teach some sweet kids with disabilities how to swim or just how to love being in the water.
I really am looking forward to the endless possibilities that life holds for me.