Friday, February 27, 2009

Tent City

It's that time of year again...and I have a tent just outside the doors of the Marriott Center. Last year Aubrey and I managed to be the second tent up there. Not as close, but still just as crazy, we are the third tent this year. We set up on Tuesday night and cannot wait for 3:00 tomorrow. We have joined with a craze of BYU student, COUGAR FANATICS rather. Our old friends from last year are first once again and this has proven to be a joyful reunion.

<---- Last years group photo. First ones baby!

Yesterday afternoon when I got there, I went into the Marriott with a few people from every other group around us, and we staked out our seats. It was just so much fun...realizing where we will be sitting, who is sitting around us, coming together as fellow Cougar fans! I spent all yesterday afternoon and night in our tent. I was alone for a few hours and decided to watching some Notting Hill. I came out about an hour later, unzipping the tent and poking my half asleep head out. Of course, there was mr. cameraman snapping a shot of me, sleepily trying to get out of my tent. haha Ducked my head back in pretty quick.

Last night Aubrey and I got to sleep in our tent - and it got cold. Nothing like last year, but still, it was cold. Once again we have made new friends, people who are just as crazy about BYU ball as we are. We have been called everything from die-hard fans to insane. We hung out in the tent last night with some of our new friends and it was actually tons of fun. Tonight, though, is the party night. Our new friends are bringing their 10 person tent, we've got cards, movies, music, and last years friends are bringing their BBQ.

Stay tuned - come Sunday I will have TONS of pictures and a description of all the fantastic events and happenings that go down between now and approximately 5:00 p.m. tomorrow :)

1 comment:

thorkgal said...

Your CrAzY!!! But, what fun and what memories. I wish I would have enjoyed my college days more... instead of thinking I needed to be married. UGH!!!
Be young, and ENJOY!!!