Monday, September 19, 2011

A happy Monday

I am SO addicted to Pinterest.  It's bad.  But today, I found a true gem.

Rumi Poster

For me, this represents my life!

Last week was hard and the weekend was even hardER.  I made a choice that changed my life.  I missed my Provo friends.  And on top of it all the Cougars lost.  It was rough and I was emotional.

Somehow I got lucky enough to be asked to be a guest teacher in Young Women's last Sunday.  The lesson was on sacrifice and consecration. I tried to think of what I sacrificed in high school and for the most part, it was time and service.  I told them that one sacrifice I made in high school became everything to me. The kids I met while doing Best Buddies changed my life.  Because of the time I spent with them, I discovered who I could be.  Of course, after explaining why I teach, I started talking about my classroom.  Before I knew it, I was telling these young women that the best me is who I am in my classroom.  It is SO true.

Today I couldn't stop smiling.  My kids are so great. They make me love.  They make me happy.  They make me funny (or at least they laugh at me!).  They make me patient.  They make me work hard.  They make me want to be the best that I can be.

One of my best friends, Robi, passed away during my internship.  I wanted to be at work the next day more than anything.  My first break up - I HAD to be at work the next day.  All summer I just miss work, hence doing summer school this last summer.  I miss my kids every minute I am not with them.  I crave being in my classroom when life gets rough.

So (as if I haven't said it 12856395112 times before, I am saying it now for the 12856395113rd time.

What I LOVE is what I DO! 

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