Sunday, April 24, 2011

sun + ocean + MEXICO =

The greatest spring break I could have asked for!

I don't even know where to begin.

On Saturday, April 16th, Cami and I drove down to San Diego for the start of one sweet spring break.  It snowed the whole drive, almost all the way to Nevada!  It was bad and I was so grateful to have a Utah native driving my car.  We stopped in Cedar, or maybe it was Beaver, for breakfast.  We got out and my car was just covered in an inch of ice!  The poor thing.

We ended up in San Marcos around 4:30 where  the sun was shining and everything was green.  It looked beautiful.  We met up with Joe for dinner and then picked Carly up and got dessert at Elephant Bar (Cami and I hadn't eaten sugar for a whole month in prep for the cruise so that was a special treat!).  I really love my friends at home.  It was so good to see them.


Sunday morning we woke up and drove to Long Beach where we waited in lines for a few hours in a huge white dome building right next to the Queen Mary.  Phones weren't allowed.  People were super fidgety.  Patience was running thin and if everyone was as anxious as I was to get on that ship, I don't blame them!  We eventually made it to our room, 6-222.  I highly recommend balcony rooms.  It was so nice to be able to go outside whenever we wanted and it gave us lots of nice sunlight.  We quickly unpacked and explored the ship.  It was huge!  I also found that while standing on my balcony, it was no big deal to look down at the water, but when we were looking down from our floor to the lobby, I couldn't do it without getting all butterly-ey and queasy.  Water makes everything better for me I guess.

That night we went to dinner and met the lovely ladies of table 547.  Mother-daughter duo Stephanie and Lauren sat to our left.  To our right we had T and Veyla.  All of them were from the Sacramento area and so much fun!  We never had a dull moment at dinner.  Always good conversation and lots of laughing.  We also had the greatest waiter ever, although it took him a day or two to warm up to us.  The food was good, although I can't really think of any one dinner that particularly was amazing.  I did eat a lot (I LOVED the soft serve ice cream/ frozen yogurt - especially when they had strawberry!!!) but this is the conclusion I have come to: Everyone feels like they look better, healthier, happier, etc...when they are tan so my tan balanced out my weight gain.  Perfect.

We met up with T and Veyla at the Red Carpet (the club of the ship) after dinner and the four of us were the first ones to the dance floor.  A trio of boys came out to dance with us and we got the party going for day one on the ship.  We danced for a few hours and it was ridiculously fun and I am sure everyone thought we were crazy or drunk - surprisingly, we were neither, just being our fun selves!  We stayed up way past our bedtime, but we slept well that night.  Neither of us got seasick. And again, we woke up way too early for a spring break.

***I will post a day at a time.  There is just too much to make it all happen at once.  It also might be spread about with random thoughts I am having, because I am having a lot of those lately.***

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