I have been in touch on and off with the school I had been working at last winter. There is a new principal and I was basically rehired over the phone. I went in today and she didn't even "interview" me until school was out.
I am in a new classroom and it will talk a lot of adjustment to feel as comfortable in this classroom as I did in my last one. Last year I worked in the all wheelchair class - this year they all run around like wild. I went to visit Barb (the teacher I worked with last year) and 2 of my adorable students are gone. My favorite Adrian and the singing Kathryn have both been moved to their home schools because they, through Barb's help, have become too advanced for the all handicapped setting. I am so proud of them but I obviously miss them. I didn't think that when I said goodbye before the summer that I would be saying goodbye for good.
My new class - 6 kids. All of which have extreme behavioral issues. C who has the greatest smile and sincerest giggle can go to the bathroom on command. He plays with his feces when he is not receiving the attention he wants. He is also quite the sprinter and is the only kid who can get the door open. BUT he was so good today and thought I was pretty funny. A is a doll and really does everything we ask. She is clean and neat and when you are with her it is almost like you are getting a little break. J is the cutest boy ever but he gets out of everything by going to the corner and napping. I have never seen a kid sleep so much and still be able to sleep more. L was sick this morning but came in after lunch. She thinks everyone is a baby and wants to cuddle them. MW was Aubrey's friend last year. He loved her and her little bunny foo foo song. MX is new to the school - he is the handful. Since MX is new to the class, MX took it upon himself to beat up MW. He has this death grip and MW's face was covered in scratches and raised skin. MW and I got really close - anytime he got hurt he ran to me and just cried and cried. I came home from work covered in his runny nose, slobber, and tears.
I am completely beat. But I am looking forward to getting to know these new kids and hope that I can see many great improvements and changes before long.