Sunday, November 3, 2013

why I love november

November is a magical month.

We get to watch both football and basketball!  We get to enjoy the last of fall before winter sets in.  Everything is pumpkin - pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cookies, and pumpkin pie.  Yum!   Facebook becomes a happy place where people leave daily gratitude statuses.  Thanksgiving makes everyone stop and think about the many blessings we have, all the many things we can and should be thankful for.

I want to join in expressing my gratitude.  Each of my posts this month will be on something I am grateful for.

To start, I am thankful for:

Reese's pumpkins - weakness.

The extra hour of sleep I got last night.

The testimonies that were shared in my ward today.  In fact, I am just so grateful to be in the Bloomington ward.

Minnesota weather recently.  We haven't had our first snow yet and Utah has already had a few snow storms.  Who would have thought?!

My job and Ashton being able to go to school.  Ps.  He got a job too!  He is going to be de-icing planes at the St. Paul/Minneapolis airport.  He is really excited for this adventure.

My wonderful husband.  He does so much for me and I am so blessed to have married my best friend.  Be prepared, I am sure I will have many more grateful posts about this amazing man.

Family.  I am so glad some of Ashton's family was here to visit a few weeks ago.  And I am counting down until we get to make it home for Christmas - 48 days!

The month of November.

I could go on and on, but I need to finish the laundry and make sure I am ready for a new week of work.

1 comment:

Institute for Internet Safety said...

Glad that you love the month of November, but I do love the month of December more because I'll be with my family longer. What is important that we're enjoying the days of our lives. Good luck to us!