Sunday, November 17, 2013

today, I am thankful for...(part 7)

My sisters and my brother.

Like I said in my previous post, I start my classes with a question.  In language arts, I do it for the purpose of getting my students to write.  In my social emotional learning class, it is so my students can share about themselves and start relating to each other.

One of my classes pulled the question:  What do you think is the biggest waste of time?

I was shocked by an answer that seemed to get a lot of "oh yeah's" from classmates.  One of my students said her siblings.  She gave reasons like they are annoying and take her parents time when they get in fights, among other things.  It made my heart sink.

I want to say that I am so very thankful for my siblings.

No one gets us like we get each other.  What we went through last year has created a bond that is unbreakable.  We finish every conversation with "I love you."  We can't leave without giving lots and lots of hugs.  We love to dance.  We love to laugh.  We love to watch scary movies.  And we love to be together.  The older we get, the more fun being together is.

They are what I miss most about Utah.  I can't wait to move back and be surrounded by my best friends again.

Sibling dates are the best dates.

P.S.  I can tell you what I think is the biggest waste of time for my students.  video games.  I don't like them.  And that is all they ever seem to do.  Poor Ashton hears me whine about it all the time.  But guess what.  We don't have video games and what is he doing right now?  Reading.  And I love that.


Unknown said...

I love this-Mom

Institute for Internet Safety said...

Our siblings are also the best blessing given to us. Spending more time with them is really a good idea. Thanks for sharing! God bless us all.