When Porter was diagnosed, the love came pouring in. People from our community, ward, past wards, friends, and family were instantly by our side. None of us have spent any of the last few months fighting alone.
Almost instantly after Porter was diagnosed, a group of people got together with Anything For A Friend and started planning Porter's fundraiser. On Saturday, that fundraiser happened and it was one of the most wonderful events I have ever been to. It was overwhelming to see how many people came! All of it was so well organized and beautifully put together. It was amazing as my family was able to come in and simply enjoy the whole thing (even through our tears of love and joy). People who didn't know my brother came. People who didn't even know my family came! Friends from southern California made their way up to run with Porter. I had FIVE students (past and present) come to support us. It fills my heart with so much love.
I have a sweet story I have to tell. As I have mentioned many times before - I love my job. In fact, I don't think that quite says it right. I LOVE my job is more like it. My first year of teaching was a dream come true. That was when I met my Alex. He still is an answer to many of my prayers. When I am with him, I can feel my Savior. I have no doubt that he has a very close, very real relationship with Christ. He is an example to me of pure innocent Christlike love. I could go on and on and on and on about this sweet boy. He came to the fundraiser and surprised me. Our reunion was priceless. He giggled and screamed my name as he ran to me. I held him and didn't want to let go. He started asking me about Porter and I showed him a picture. It was a picture of Porter when we went to BYU's practice. He had his cast on. Alex asked me Porter was hurt. I told Alex that Porter had been very sick and that they had to remove part of his leg so that he could get better. Alex looked at me with sad eyes and simply said, "oh...ouch." Later, Alex saw Porter and walked right up to him and gave him a hug. Two of my favorite boys became more than just friends. Alex became a part of my family. Thank you Kira, Bob, and Janae for bringing Alex and being a part of my heart. I love you all so much.
The event opened with a 5k. I can't explain what it felt like to see hundreds of people out running along Highland Drive for my brother. Kelsey and I were able to push a student from my school in his wheel chair for the whole run! That was a very good time - especially up the hill. He sure loved it. We tried to keep up with Porter and the big buff men who were pushing him, but that didn't happen! Porter crossed that finish line well before we did!
Then it was time for food, fun, auctions, friends and family. We were surrounded by people who were there for one reason - my brother.
I was especially touched by two families I met that day. They were smiling and more than excited to help. They looked at Porter with love and empathy. Both of them have recently lost boys to cancer. I think of them and my heart breaks. We are constantly reminded how blessed we are to get to know so many wonderful people through Porter's fight. To those two families - you will forever be a part of our lives. I can't thank you enough for your sweet examples.
I don't think I can even begin listing everyone who helped with the fundraiser. I want to thank each of you. Everyone who put in hours of preparation. Everyone who came and donated. Everyone who couldn't make it, but donated anyway. I want to thank all of you who have supported my family, especially Porter.
I want to tell Porter how proud I am of him. I know that all my sisters would agree with me when I say that we are the luckiest and that he is the greatest brother in the world. He has been such an example to us through all of this. I love you my Poroto!!!
*** I just found out that over $55,000 was raised on Saturday. Again, I am moved to tears. I wish there were more words to express how thankful I am. Like my dad said on Saturday, when we say thank you, we are really saying we love you.