Monday, January 24, 2011

roommates. love them.

This weekend was amazing and I owe it all to my roommates.

Jen got engaged last week and I couldn't be happier for her and Timmy Tim Tim.  They seriously are darling and though he has occupied most of Jen's time, there couldn't be a better person to do it.  I love her.  She is wonderful for heart to hearts and I am so grateful for the chats we have had.  Her sister also recently moved into my homeward (Oh how I miss TOV).  We were meant to be in each other's lives.

While Jen has been wedding planning, Melanie, Alex, and I have been partying.  Shoot.  These girls can get me to laugh like no one else.  We have so much fun together! 

Sweet Melanie has been my friend for a few years now.  Heavenly Father had to try a couple of times to get us to become a part of each other's lives.  We were in the same ward for a whole semester and didn't even know it until it came time to camp out for basketball.  We have since become roommates and dearest friends.

Alex Alex Alex.  We became closer than most roommates do in a very short amount of time and she has nicknames for me like no one else.  Alex has the greatest sense of style and in many ways it is very close to mine : )  We have embarked on many adventures together like bonfires with handsome boys, buying a Christmas tree, checking out condos, etc.  She is one of the strongest and most compassionate girls that I know.

I died laughing all weekend with Alex and Mel.  Dancing.  Watching basketball.  Talking about boys.  Calling each other names.  Poking Mel to hear her grunt.  People must love watching us together.  We really are hilarious!  Thank you girls.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love you tati!!! Seriously I might have just shed a tear reading this post.. except mainly I laughed as I reminisced all our exciting, hilarious adventures!! I love you TATIA (me saying your name wrong)