Thursday, December 16, 2010

White Christmas

Today, I came home from a long day of work and a whole list of things to do.

I ran some errands and then came home to wrap presents for my students, put together gifts for teachers, make cookies for a lunch, and figure out a hairpiece that I have been stressing about for a friend of a friends wedding (Mom helped out sooo much on that one the other night).  I decided to do all of these things while watching my favorite Christmas movie, White Christmas.  Then after I finished a good amount of this over two hours of working, I went to the gym.  At the gym, I found White Christmas on TV...  I watched the first half while working out and I am now back at home with it on TV as I finish the unfinished work.

Yes,  I have watched White Christmas twice in a row.  AND I LOVE IT.

Snow, snow, snow, snow!  It won't be long before we'll all be there with snow...

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