Monday, December 20, 2010

My Cousin's Baptism

Josers and Mike are here visiting and they decided to have little Sabrina baptized while they were here so that the family could be there.  So cute.  It was a wonderful experience.  And I brought Drew.  He saw Joser and said, "Hey, I know her."  Turns out, he had been in their ward right before he finished his mission.  Pretty amazing.

Las hermanas y la prima


Cutest 8 year old in the world with her favorite cousin

You know, us Latinas can't go very long without dancing.  Though, the holding hands and dancing in circles was all Sabri's idea.  Made it hard to shake our hips though.

La familia

Even the tio was there!

I loved this day.  I loved watching Sabrina choose to be baptized.  I loved the spirit that was felt.  I loved watching her receive the Holy Ghost.  I loved being surrounded by my wonderful and quite unique family.

1 comment:

Alison Rae said...

How fun! ANd Drew is back??!! AND HE WAS IN THEIR WARD??!!! That is truly amazing! I love love love it!! and I LOVE you!!!