Friday, May 15, 2020


it has been over a year since i have come here to record about our life/my thoughts and i know that i am going to wish i had recorded more.


here i am.

we have been in quarantine for two plus months.

we added another beautiful girl to our family in november.

we have been living in our little house for over a year now and love it even more than we did on the first day. we have done a few projects with it - pictures and a post to come - and continue to dream up more projects.

we made it through major flooding of our area. we watched as our ward and stake and city came together and serve those who were affected.

we experienced our first tornado touchdown in our city - it's been a year and the kids are still traumatized. they see clouds and immediately ask if there will be a tornado.

i have cut back on teaching online (by choice) and have really not had the time i would like for hoops&threads.

hopefully, i will be better about coming here to write about our happenings - my nostalgic soul misses having a place to come to remember past events.

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