Thursday, June 18, 2015

{ t h r e e } months

My sweet little baby is already three months. It hurts my heart that she is growing so fast! I tell her every night to stop growing, but she isn't listening.

She is so alert, awake, inquisitive, bubbly, smiley, slobbery, strong, happy, hungry, perfectly perfect. While I don't want her to get bigger, I love watching her personality come out. 

She's even cute when she cries. 

Rooney loves to talk and especially loves to sing. She can hold her head up all by herself - she wants to sit up so bad and she is so strong, she will get there soon. The front of her outfit is almost always covered in slobber - she loves to make spit bubbles. Now that mom is out of work, afternoon snuggle naps are a must. Rooney's tongue is regularly popping in and out of her mouth. She kicks her legs like a frog while in her car seat and blow outs have been a daily experience. She still hates tummy times, but is getting better. We all sleeps at least 7 hours a night! She turns towards sounds and has to be held looking out at everyone. She will always smile for attention. 

I love my three month old baby. 

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