Wednesday, February 29, 2012

my little man

Sunday night I received this text:

Well, how can anyone resist that face!?  My heart melted fast and I made plans to visit my Ryder.  I spent Monday night at the Bennet's house, never letting him go.  Exactly 4 weeks before my visit on Monday, I was in the hospital meeting Ryder for the first time!  I cannot believe how fast this month has flown by.  I also can't believe how natural it is to see Alyse as a mom.  I always knew she would be great, but it is so weird to see her changing HER baby's diaper, talking about mommy schedule, parenting, and future plans with baby boy.  As I was memorized oohhing and aaahing over Ryder, she made me dinner and dessert.  She was so excited to use her food processor and, as always, the food was delicious.

She took a few pictures of me and Ryder while I was visiting.  Nothing makes my heart happier than seeing that cute face!!  He is currently my favorite person in the whole world and I have the hardest time leaving him!

1 comment:

Alyse Bennett said...

Ryder sure does love you!