Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy New Year!

I know it is the middle of the year, but I have come to find that my years rotate more on when school starts and ends than when December becomes January. 

The end of August brings me a time to think about teaching, how much I have missed my kids, and how I am going to make this year the best one yet!  Things are new.  The kids are excited.  Teachers, although weighed down by paper work and setting up, have a little bounce in their step.   And while I thoroughly LOVED my summer, I know my bounce is purely from the joy of getting to see my students again.  So much this summer has reminded me of them.  Goodness, I have truly missed them.  During the school year, my heart is always overflowing from the little joys my students bring into my life and I cannot wait to have that back again.

School officially starts on Tuesday (feel free to send your prayers my way!) and I am grateful for the Monday buffer that I have to bring together some loose ends.

I haven't been the best in the blogging world this summer.  A lot has happened and I hope that as the new year starts to settle, I can reflect on the joys of teaching summer school, hiking Timpanogos, Lake Powell with Mel and her family, Kelsey's open house in San Marcos, and so many more of my summer adventures.

I hope this new school year finds you as excited (and maybe just a little exhausted from the prep) as me.

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