Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Morning Blues

This morning has been a joke.

I wake up and everything is great...until I go downstairs and get my lunch ready/eat breakfast. 

1. I made myself chicken last night for a chicken sandwich.  I open the fridge to search for it, and no big deal, it is gone.  Everyone else used it for their lunch.  I guess that's what I get for moving home?

2. I decide to grab a cinnamon roll before making the chicken all over again.  I pick it up and take a bit and the bottom of the roll is super hard.  I figure that the cinnamon and sugar have hardened at the bottom? I don't know.  I try biting through it and thing this is ridiculously hard.  When I pull it out of my mouth, I see that the metal top from the pilsbury tube that the rolls were in, is stuck to the bottom of my roll.  Wonderful.

3.  Time to make myself a sandwich (and I am running just a bit behind schedule - I have to run to the store still before work!).  I pull out two pieces of bread and sit them on the paper towel.  When I open the two pieces to lay them out, I find that it is already a peanut butter sandwich!? For real?

4. Get to the store with time to be in and out just fine.  But don't worry.  I have a soda for our work potluck tonight and everyone in front of me has tons of stuff.  The do-it-yourself lanes are closed and this lane is my only option.  I sat there for 10 minutes.  Cool.

5.  Driving on Redwood.  Construction in random little spots.  There is a tractor trying to go up some slope covered in rocks.  BANG.  It definitely shot one out and it hit my car.  My ears were buzzing the rest of the drive.

6. I forgot to look and see if the shooting rock did any damage to my car.

7. No one wanted to drive even close to the speed limit.  5 to 7 mph under was the average and for one stretch I was going 10 under.  AND there wasn't even traffic!!

All I can do is laugh.  I guess I have made it to work in one piece and, luckily, the kids start tomorrow.  I hope getting to school tomorrow isn't quite such an ordeal.

1 comment:

Alison Rae said...

aww boo to monday mornings! I love and miss you too much. I prayed for you last night as per your request in your last blog post. Your kids are the luckiest around! They get the best teacher! Soon, parents will be begging for their kids to be in Miss Thorkelson's class! You live a bit closer to me now so we should really go on a double date soon!