Saturday, August 16, 2008


Another summer - another week at my favorite Shaver.
My family has now been doing this for 9 years with the McMasters and Barnums...we become the McBarkelson. Every year we do the same thing. We are on the lake almost everyday. Saturday and Sunday are our break days. Saturday we head down to Fresno for the day where we watch a movie, maybe some shopping, and eat lunch at Red Robin. Sunday we go to the lovely little Auberry ward. People have really started to recognize us around town.

Everyone left for Shaver on Wednesday night. This year we were missing Kelsey, Zach, and Nate - but I brought Lauren, Tommy had his fiance Lauren, and the Barnums brought fun little Austin. Lauren and I drove up Saturday morning and met them all in Fresno. We missed the Red Robin bit but got everything else in.

Sunday was church followed by our hike down Dinky Creek. This lovely picture is what happens when you get scaredy cat Syd followed by goofy Port. Poor Cliff. I wish you could have heard the screaming happening in this picture. It was a little ledge you had to scooch down with a little fall on the other side, but nothing major. Syd didn't get how to do it and was screaming. I told her to sit down and I was going to scoot her. Porter sits down as well and then gravity takes over....there he goes. Scooting right into Syd. I have never seen her so mad. "PORTER! STOP. GET OFF!! POOOORRRTTTERRR. NO STOP!" haha and then a series of loud screams. Poor Porter could really do nothing about it, gravity was pulling him down. Next, he got stuck between our scooting rock and the rock that made the scooting hard. It was hilarious. Then Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were spent all out on the lake. The Myers and the Simmons showed up at Shaver Tuesday and my best friends Alyse and Chad finally made it Wednesday afternoon.

At one point in our adventure the girls, Hannah and Jaycee, wanted to play hide and seek. Now, Lauren and I aren't the greatest hiders and hate being it, so we tricked them into a dance party. Those girls have moves I have only seen on TV!

Tuesday was the day of my great fall. I ate it bad. I didn't even get that great of a jump in and smacked on the opposite wake. I went down fast and slapped my head on the water then my board came up over my head. I heard my spine just snap. I thought I was dead but when I realized I was ok I was ready for another run. The next day my entire body was mad at me. I was sore and couldn't move. Thursday - once I had made it home - my head was exploding. There was so much pressure and I thought my eyes were going to pop out. We went to urgent care and she was a little worried but there wasn't much she could do so I had a follow up appointment yesterday. Conclusion: whip lash and a contusion. Don't worry though, I am alive :)


Holman Family said...

Hey tati- this is jessica holman, used to be a barnum..heh.. I'm soo jealous, i wish i could have gone this year.:) I guess i will wait til the baby comes.. ttyl.

Christene said...

Fun catching up on what is going on in your life. Sounds like you are having a great summer. Tell your family hi!