Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Attention Ladies and Gentleman: The girl is sick

I have no idea why I am starting this blog half way into my study abroad...
This weekend I fly back to the states for my best friends wedding (which I will talk about later) and I spent Saturday on the couch with a fever. It is now Monday night - or Tuesday morning and I can no longer sleep. When I told Yolanda (my mom here in Guadalajara) or Hermana Stalling (my wonderful director) that it began on Saturday the first thing they asked is if I saw a doctor. I never just go see a doctor for a fever... do you? Whatever I've got has gone through my group and it is getting stronger as it moves on.
Tonight it was like an epiphany came with my stomach ache. "Start a blog!" it told me, so here it is. But this is just the beginning.

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