Saturday, July 9, 2016

how she watches finding nemo

roo & i have figured out our morning routine.

i wake up & work out. she typically wakes up during my work out & will sit in her bed until i am done (this is more dangerous than it used to be as she now knows how to take off her diaper...)

i finish & run upstairs to catch her in the act of pulling off her diaper. i change her & then sit her on the bed, put nemo on, & shower.

she loves nemo so much & i love that it gives me a 10 minute break!

this is how i leave her before getting in the shower:

sitting. sweet. excited. & engaged in the movie.

i come out of the shower to this:

these pictures were taken on two different days. still sweet & still engaged in her movie. just now she has found a way to crawl into the pillow.

she is my favorite.

1 comment:

KickButtMommy said...

Xander loved nemo too! He would call it Memo. He officially wore out our disc.