Thursday, January 1, 2015

2 0 1 4 : what a year

I just spent a good hour writing a post full of highlights from 2014. It was quite the year! But, rather than post all of our highlights (because most of them already have their own post) I want to take a minute to reflect on the year as a whole.

Almost as quickly as 2014 started, I was ready for it to be over. (I know I have talked about this a lot this year, so please feel free to skip this paragraph) We ended 2013 thinking that we were going to be parents by August, but just 8 days into the new year, I discovered that my pregnancy was actually a blighted ovum. It was devastating and to make it worse, I then miscarried in April. I know I mention these a lot, but they consumed me for months and continue to be in the back of my mind at all times. I will say though, that as hard as they were, I saw my safety net of Ashton, family, and friends go to work to take care of me. I hadn't really had the chance to see just how blessed I am from that perspective before. It was humbling and wonderful all at the same time. I can now say that I am grateful for those trials as they have taught me of empathy, love, and service.

Ashton and I have watched our family grow this year! First, we got a puppy. I knew he was just what I needed to heal my heart and he has sure done that. Thor has also shown me that Ashton is going to be a seriously amazing father. At the end of July, we discovered that I was pregnant! Waiting until September and insurance to kick in before going into the doctor was the worst, but also a huge blessing because I have been able to relax a lot and just let things happen. In November we found out that baby was a girl, and as convinced as I was that we were going to have a boy, I am so thrilled that we get to be first parents to a daughter. We have 89 days until baby girl's due date comes and I just can't wait to meet her.

Can I also brag just a bit more about Ashton? I have never had anyone wait on me like Ashton. I am past the sick phase of pregnancy and more into the I can hardly move stages. He never complains and is so quick to help me get my boots on and off. He sets up my pillows for bed each night - one behind my back, two under my head, one to hold my belly, and two to support my legs. He helps me out of bed, even for my bathroom runs in the middle of the night. He sets up the humidifier every night. I never thought of service as one of my love languages, but it most absolutely has become one. I loved him a lot back on May 24, 2013, but that is nothing compared to the love I feel for him now.

So, in recap, 2014 taught my heart to grow in so many ways. I look forward to what lessons are hidden in 2015 - which I am sure there are many as lots of changes are coming our way.

Happy 2015!!!

1 comment:

FRYBABY said...

I have to agree....he's a keeper!! I have always known that he would make a wonderful husband, father AND pet-owner. He is a very special soul. AND I am glad he has you:)