Wednesday, September 10, 2014

sweet baby smith

Today we made a big announcement.

We are pregnant! yayyayyay! Pregnant!

And this time we have heard a heartbeat and, while we know we aren't completely in the clear, this is the furthest we have made it.

I am a few days past 11 weeks. After my two previous miscarriages, I was pretty sure that I wouldn't announce it until I couldn't hide it anymore.

Then I read this amazing article. As I read it, my heart just about burst out of my chest. There is a life within me, my baby! I had announced to most of my family and close friends that I was pregnant in December. When I miscarried, I was devastated, but I received so much support and love. Every card, email, text, phone call, and even the flowers that were sent, buoyed me up. The second time around, I miscarried much earlier, but that didn't make it any easier. I hadn't known I was pregnant until we realized something was wrong and, while my immediate family knew, many didn't and I hated going through it "alone".

So, that is how we got here today - the earlier than planned on announcement. I have no words except that it is a miracle. Every precious life is truly a miracle and we feel so blessed that we are having this opportunity.


Ange Bendixsen said...

I am so absolutely excited for you! Congratulations! You're going to make an awesome mom, you guys are going to make wonderful parents. Thor, we'll he'll make great big brother... I remember reading that by week 9, you have in the single digits chance of loosing your baby. It was so relieving to me to get to that point. You never know what will happen along the way but pregnancy is hard so you might as well enjoy every minute of it that you can (although of course many parts of it is wonderful too).

Lita60plus said...

I am so happy for both of you!! Congratulations! Your feelings are exactly how I feel and what I tell my daughters and daughter-in-laws: Let everyone in on the excitement and if disappointment happens, you have the support of all the ones who care about you. I can imagine how beautiful that heart beat sounded!

GrandmaNutt said...

Congratulations....the big Smith Family has started. I have no doubt your baby will be perfect, precious, and beautiful.

KickButtMommy said...

I haven't read the article, but I remember feeling those exact feelings. Feeling bitter and angry when a friend who could see I wasn't feeling well asked if I might be pregnant and wanting to scream at her I JUST MISCARRIED. But how could she know how much her question would hurt. Anyway, I am SO glad you are happy and pregnant and have a sweet little heartbeat. You deserve so much happiness. That is one lucky little babe.