Tuesday, September 22, 2015

{ s i x } months

somehow, rooney turned 6 months last week. i swear she was born just yesterday. then i look at her and realize just how grown up she looks - i am afraid if i blink she will suddenly be a toddler.

9/18/15 { SIX months old!!! } •sadly, no longer sleeps through the night. wakes up at least five times and must be nursed back to sleep every time (it's a good thing mama really loves this girl). working on sleeping in the crib and it definitely needs a lot more work. but for as unhappy as she is at night, she makes up for it in happiness during the day. sits like a pro. learned to roll from back to belly on 9/1. talks and experiments with all sounds. raspberries now include her tongue and a whole lot of slobber. shakes her head for fun and sometimes her whole body gets involved. music is magic to Rooney. twinkle twinkle puts her to sleep in the car ( and for a few minutes in the crib ) and everything else makes a cry turn to a smile. she eats eats eats - peas to apples and bananas, sweet potatoes and squash to blueberries. grew out of six month clothes about a month too early and her thighs need nearly twelve month leggings. reaches for everything - maybe we will have a scooter/crawler soon! wants so badly to eat whatever we are eating. is so aware and interested in what is going on. has started smacking her lips, using her tongue. loves to say "dadadada" - prepping for her first word. we couldn't be more in love, especially when she is up at 4:00 am singing her heart out.•

she had her six month doctor appointment today and everyone was blown away with how big she has gotten! roo is 19 lbs. 9 oz. - 96th percentile - and 25.5 in. - 43rd percentile-. can you believe she started at a scrawny 6 pounds! and why aren't my arms like super crazy toned?!

                6 months vs. 1 month

blows my mind! i love my little lady so very much!

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